Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Sing 'hey' for the java at break of day,
that washes the fog and grouch away,

A nut is he that will not sing,

O! coffee hot, is a blessed thing!

O! fair is the sight o' rising sun,

and crystal cobwebs on the bloom,
but better than webs or sun so round,

is coffee bean only just ground!

O! the shower fresh will perk indeed,
and spiffy us up just for our need,

but better are baths if we have time,

and down our throats, coffee so sublime!

O! juice is good for all babies,

and beer wet-nurses philosophies,

but ne'er did fruit or drink ferment,
surpass a good cup of java blend!

I shall return to the pilgrimage presently! This is but a brief respite. Oh, and naturally, this song is meant to be sung to whatever tune you can come up with (or have listened to) that goes with Tolkien's marvellous 'Bath Song.' And
do let us all give thanks for the best part of waking up. I shall admit that when I go to bed at night, I dream happily thinking I shall get to drink coffee in the morning.


Catriona said...

Lovely photograph dahling. I love your brightly coloured mug!

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Warsaw, Poland
Domine, spero quia mundum vicisti. Lord, I trust that Thou hast overcome the world. Panie, ufam, żeś pokonał świat.
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